Research Ethics & Compliance Applicant login

This website is used to submit applications to the following committees:

  • Monash University Institutional Biosafety Committee (MUIBC)
  • Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC)
  • Monash University Animal Ethics Committees - MARP, SBS, MIPS and MUM


Log in using your Monash email and password

Refer to the Ethics Review Manager (ERM) User Guide for instructions.

If you have problems logging in, you may need to clear your cache - please find instructions for your browser on the following link: clear your cache. You should use an up-to-date version of Google Chrome to view ERM.  

If you can see a red warning banner at the top of the project homepage, the Chief Investigator (Project Owner) must click Update. The 'submit' button will not appear if the form needs to be updated. Please refer to the Form Update Log for further details.
